Get Involved
Be A Part Of The Plan!!
The PLAN NORTH LIBERTY process provides a great opportunity for residents and businesses to communicate their vision for the Town, and to identify what issues are most important for the Town to address in the near term and in the future. The planning process is designed to promote community involvement and encourage citizen participation. We know that the success of this planning effort will depend on engaging our community, so community outreach is included throughout the planning process.
We have built in numerous opportunities to participate and provide input into the planning process, including a series of brief on-line surveys and two Community Workshops. You can find links to the surveys, along with information related to the Community Workshops below.
Join the Community Workshop
As we near completion of the Plan North Liberty Process, we will be presenting the draft goals, objectives and implementation strategies. We need your input to make sure the plan’s strategies match your vision and priorities for the Town’s future growth and development. Strategies will be presented that address:
Future Housing Growth
Downtown and Economic Development
Transportation and Infrastructure
Community Character and Placemaking
Parks and Recreation
Refreshments from Over the Top Bakery will be provided.
Community Workshop Information
DATE: Wednesday, April 6
TIME: 6:00-8:00PM
PLACE: Community Building
Current St. Joseph County COVID protocols will be followed for the in-person open house.
DATE: Tuesday, April 5
TIME: 6:00-8:00PM
Please click the ZOOM link to join the Virtual Open House.
Send Us Your Input