Help Us Shape the Future of North Liberty
Building on the Town’s 2015 designation as a Stellar Community and the successful implementation of multiple Stellar Projects, the Town of North Liberty is in the process of updating two very important planning documents that will be used to guide growth and development in the community for the next 10 to 20 years. Through the planning process, strategies will be created to help the Town’s leaders in making substantive and thoughtful planning decisions for the community!
As we near completion of the Plan North Liberty Process, we will be presenting the draft goals, objectives and implementation strategies. We need your input to make sure the plan’s strategies match your vision and priorities for the Town’s future growth and development. Refreshments from Over the Top Bakery will be provided.
DATE: Wednesday, April 6 Tuesday, April 5
TIME: 6:00-8:00PM 6:00-8:00PM
PLACE: Community Building ZOOM
Current St. Joseph County COVID protocols will be followed for the in-person open house. Masks are required, and social distancing will be encouraged.
Zoom meeting details to access the virtual open house can be found by clicking this link
PLAN NORTH LIBERTY Comprehensive Plan
The Comprehensive Plan establishes the goals, objectives and official policies and strategies that will guide future development growth in and around the Town of North Liberty. The Town has engaged Abonmarche Consultants to assist in the process to update the previous plan that was completed in 2015.
Five-Year Parks & Recreation Master Plan
A new Five-Year Parks and Recreation Master Plan must be submitted to and approved by the Indiana Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) to maintain Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) application eligibility. The Final Plan Document will include the following:
- an inventory of community park facilities and programming,
- analyses of key –
- natural and landscape features,
- historical and cultural features, and
- social and economic features
- regional park and recreation inventory
- supply and needs assessment
- public engagement/input process
- priorities and strategic action schedule
The existing Five-Year Parks and Recreation Master Plan was completed in 2016, and will be updated in conjunction with the Comprehensive Planning Process.
Town of North Liberty – Indiana Stellar Community
With an estimated 1,919 residents in 2015, North Liberty is the smallest community selected for Stellar designation, but this certainly does not stop its local spirit! In fact, the town has experienced growth in the past ten years with higher populations of both families and seniors. Located next to the town is Potato Creek State Park, which opened in 1978 and by some estimates, draws in nearly 1,000,000 visitors a year.
The primary goals of the Stellar projects developed by North Liberty focused on (1) expanding tourism and business downtown, (2) retaining and expanding our youth and engaging seniors, (3) creating connectivity and accessibility for the community. Projects range from façade revitalization and park improvements to the construction of senior housing to accommodate the 47% of North Liberty citizens who are elderly. In public meetings, the Potato Creek Trail, designed to connect the town to the state park received the highest acclaim and excitement.
Plan Documents
Browse and download the documents related to the Comprehensive Plan and the Five-Year Park and Recreation Plan.
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